In these times, when the whole order of things has changed and people are denied a chance to fortify their spirit and draw on the healing power of music by enjoying performances of great artists in person, join us on a virtual visit to Cēsis Concert Hall at 19:00 on Friday, 3 April 2020.
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A unique concert featuring solo programmes by three brilliant Latvian pianists ‒ a view of these unusual times through the lens of the music chosen by each musician ‒ will be streamed online, on LMT Straume app and LMT Smart TV.
The programme by the passionate and charismatic Andrejs Osokins, this year’s resident pianist of Cēsis Concert Hall, is centred around Liebestod (Isolde’s Love’s Death), the finale of Richard Wagner’s monumental Tristan und Isolde opera, and comes to an end with Ludwig van Beethoven’s final words in piano music ‒ the concluding Bagatelle from the composer’s last opus for the piano.
Musical pieces considered by the artist as particularly relevant and significant at this moment in the history of the world and the society have been selected by Reinis Zariņš, a pianist whose hallmark is a conceptual and philosophical approach to his programmes. He is focusing on Johann Sebastian Bach’s music and Olivier Messiaen’s magnificent Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus (Twenty Contemplations of the Christ-Child) suite, represented at the concert by the Regard de l'Esprit de Joie (Contemplation of the Joyful Spirit) movement.
The concert will conclude with two piano pieces by the Romantic composer Frédéric Chopin interpreted by the young and extremely promising pianist Daumants Liepiņš.
The Live-stream is available for everyone and watching is free of charge.
In view of the state-declared emergency situation, the three musicians and staff providing technical support for the broadcast will comply with all the safety measures during the event, observing social distancing and taking care of their own and everybody else’s health. The concert will be held without the presence a physical audience in the concert hall.